steve_07 I have ground without it. An absolute mess happens, static is unbelievable.
I know exactly what you are saying. I used to have a T-64 (Profitec, hopper fed - not this one) and if I removed the grid there was a good 10g behind it. The static was insane without it. If I left it there, as intended, the grinder was great - but this was before single dose grinders. So I’m not comparing here, to be very clear. I just want to say that I know exactly what you are referring about when you say that the static is unbelievable.
And to add less methodology to the madness, when I went and bought they grinder from BB, went there, tested without the grid/screen and the static was acceptable - in fact, it wasn’t bad at all. So I bought it, as that’s how I wanted to use it. Then I brought it home and man… the static was just insane. So the environment has a part to play to.
I hope you get this sorted out soon. Maybe it’s a duffer, maybe it’s the environment and/or the coffee.