So the Eureka scale arrived. I’m pleased with it so far. It seems like a nicely built little scale, fits well on the drip tray, and bluetooth connection to my machine was very easy.
I’m still tweaking how early to stop to get my target weight (i.e. to allow for the weight of the drips that coffee after stopping the pump), but it’s pretty close and probably more accurate then when I stopped it manually. I’m within 0.5g of target.
It’s definitely a nice addition to the Ito mod. You also get an accurate flow rate displayed during the shot. A couple of other nice features are that it auto zeros when you start the shot, and you can remember a couple of tare weights on the machine, for example the weight of the niche dosing cup. This means if you didn’t tare before weighing out beans you can read out the bean weight from the Ito display.
I did have a go with the included app in case it’s of interest for anyone as a general scale, and it’s pretty terrible. Very clunky and unintuitive. I’d recommend the scale standalone as a nice scale with built in timer, similar to a Timemore black mirror, but I wouldn’t recommend it for its Bluetooth capability with the included app. I did have a look at some of the more popular apps such as Filtru and Smart Espresso Profiler, but unfortunately these aren’t compatible with this scale.