I have been thinking long and hard about energy prices and what’s needed to make a material change to the ever-increasing rates. The news this morning of Germanys reluctance to move away from Russian gas and oil and the massive reliance of Europe on that resource. The fact that we get electricity from Europe and even though we don’t use much Russian gas….we will still pay the excessive prices from wherever we do get it. I decided, this needs my attention now. My heart didn’t want to fix, but my head said I had better. A few p more than some 1 year fixes that were around (not from Brtish gas)..but the ability to drop out if things go better than I expect, although I don’t expect things to change for 18 months+.
I finally bit the bullet and fixed my energy prices today….I checked suppliers and most are not accepting new customers, I had a look on comparison sites and found this 2 year fix (gulp) with Scottish Power

These prices are insane….and my own supplier offered the best deal. What stopped me taking it were the exit fees, but they changed it, and they don’t apply now unless you are leaving them. I figured I can drop onto the variable rate, if the situation ends before I expect it to.
The fixed I move to on 16th April (the current variable rate if I don’t below), when my existing fixed rate ends on (17p electric, 3p gas…per kW), seems very cheap now.