I agree that popular opinion was never with Labour. There was just such disenchantment with the conservatives that Labour reaped the benefit. Reform was too newly minted and raw to be a valid choice for too many people, and to be fair, they were not ready by a long shot. However the problem with Labour is that they have terrible ideas on how to run a government and they are almost guaranteed to do a worse job than the conservatives. Will the reform party ever be ready? It may be too much for farage to do in time for the next election as they are really starting at the ground level.
In reality, apart from certain key issues, labels don’t really matter. The truth is for the most part, there is no centre, nor righr nor left for that matter. Look at usa currently - the republican party is espousing many positions that used to be talking points of the left while the dems have become the very caricature of their stereotype of the republicans as the party of the rich and the powerful.
In every election the battle is always between the establishment party vs the party on the outside and speaking more towards rhe needs of the people themselves. The elites and establishment always try to co-opt and corrupt candidates to allow them to continue being top dog and to have the best for themselves. The mainstream media and entertainment industry and education system are their ways of manipulating the population to do their bidding so that they can parrot the positions and opinions they choose for them and trick them into thinking they have freely adopted those views. The more comfortable and educated the people, the more pliant, easy to manipulate and lemming like they become, the less they are willing to sacrifice for their own freedom and sovereignty. For those have always Been the levers of power for the haves to enslave the have nots.
Yesterday that party which was co opted was the tories, today it is Labour.