Simple job…once you get access. Undo the part, clean and refit with PTFE tape. Depending on age of machine (I believe jan 22) it may be permanent thread lock which if on the steam valve will invariable leak after 3 or 4 years. if it’s semipermanent, then it’s just bad luck (but much easier to undo). I can’t remember when exactly I threw a wobbly about the use of permanent thread lock and when it stopped…but I think around that time.
Use a good fitting set of open ended spanners, if that’s an elbow…I’m guessing hard because it’s so close up, I can’t see the fitting or where it’s fitted to, so no context. Do another shot from further back to put the fitting into it’s proper context (photos are free to post, so you can post more than 1 more if you want).
I suspect the drip may be onto the solenoid valve?? (again guessing, so I won’t post any more until I see some more photos, as I don’t want to lead you up the garden path..