Del_UK - Thank you! That’s very interesting. So, in a way, if taste wise is similar, maybe anticipating the end by 30 seconds may mean cooling inside is not such a bad thing after all? I’m doing exactly the same at the moment, and I am have both side by side (one cooled externally, one internally). If you put on a blind test, I wouldn’t be able to tell you which one is which, but, because I know, maybe the one cooled inside the behmor is, like you say, a shade darker and has a tiny hint of bitterness. But I might just be biased. I’ll keep tasting it, and thank you for taking part in the experiment.
I have an Ethiopian Natural I’m roasting at the moment. Any tips? :-) I’m going to go P5 (full power) from the start and into F/C next time, just increasing the drum speed as I approach first crack. And see what happens.
My subsequent one will be P4 (rather than P5) from the start, and then P3 into F/C. If the above works well, I might just try P4 (75% power) all the way instead.