Hi all,
I have been an observer on this forum for a few months, and now I finally have created an account. 🤠
Last month I made the plunge and purchased the new V2 Mara X. To figure out how the Xmode Steam and Xmode coffee operated, I installed a Raspberry PI to observe the machine’s temperature readout. (I’m not the original creator, I just followed instructions from another post).
Fair to say that I got lots of interesting information, along with the fact that I have the V2 hardware with the V1 software 😓
Since installing this logger, iv noticed that sometimes it will have issues with the brew temperature settling after the steam boost period.
@DavecUK in your review you mentioned there’s a 5min window before it will take around 15mins+ for the machine to settle back to its original setpoint temperature. I do understand there are so many different variables for cooling rates but it seems like the PID is sometimes finding it hard to settle.
My software version says: C123b
In this photo, I pulled 3x (flush + wait ) to observe the brew temp impact, (indicated by the spikes in the blue graph) followed by a proper shot on the 4th. I guess I must have triggered multiple steam boosts? because then it took over 3 hours for it to stabilize.
You can see pretty large temperature oscillations in the heat exchanger temps till it settles.
This is what a typical shot looks like with a nice settling behavior down to the target temp.
So, I’m not really sure why sometimes the machine takes hours to settle. Any ideas I’m willing to try and post a log of it 😀.