SteveBRS I thought to show a few photos of what I find in my monthly Niche Zero cleaning ritual. Usually I use medium to medium dark beans, nothing oily these days. The layer underneath the burr seams to build up fairly quickly. What are other users experiences? The grind residue at the runner might just be caused by a week’s old Tasmanian roast which I just started before cleaning.
HVL87 SteveBRS looks pretty normal to me. Don’t forget to check the chute which can hold some grinds due to static.
gotters never seen a build up as heavy as that in mine, I grind mainly for filter. I’m usually quite disappointed at how little there is to clean up as makes it seem a bit of a waste of time !
prezes I clean my niche once a month and normally there isn’t a lot in there except usual buildup. I have noticed in the last week much more grinds coming down the chute during the day so decided to see what’s going on and found clumps of coffee inside. First time since I owned it so over a year. I did have some darker beans recently so assume this would be the reason.
DavecUK prezes With darker coffees, it’s definitely worth keeping up with the cleaning, once dirty the parts simply attract more dirt.