Del_UK Del_UK DavecUK just seen in another post that I need to link to the photos and not upload them, my fault!
DavecUK Del_UK Yes, on a PC you can drag and drop…and they automagically end up on imgur and your media library.
Del_UK Rob666 It shows on my laptop and phone, but not if I open a incognito tab… I love the internet 😂😭 Try again…, may work now?
Del_UK DavecUK She is indeed a Shiba Inu! Not many people know the bread, despite them being so internet famous lately Elcarajillo Sometimes I do wonder… I’m not 100% convinced that she isn’t a cat!
CoffeePhilE Sadly, no cats, no dogs. Over the years, really, my movements have been a bit too erratic, too much time away, to make it practical. I ’spose I could now, but I’m really too set in my ways, which don’t include pets.
Del_UK Anyone else trying to train their dog to make coffee?? Think I need to get her a step or something!
dfk41 We lost our 12 year old Dachshund on November 22 and on December 10th, Bella, a beautiful 7 year old rescue dog arrived with us. She slotted straight in as the video we took on the first day shows!
IntoxNitram Parents cats who I used to live with until a year ago: Probably the bit I miss about living at home most! Current landlords won’t let us have pets.
DavecUK IntoxNitram Current landlords won’t let us have pets. That’s a real shame, do they give any reason?