Hi, I was wanting to pose a question about water make-up & the effect on the quality of the visible extraction seen from the bottomless PF
I’ve been playing around with various quantities of Magnesium Sulphate & Potassium Bicarbonate in 2:1 mixes, keeping the grind, dose, prep, temp & tamp variables as consistent as I could, which as I don’t have any means of actually measuring the quality of the extraction was really a first try at a semi-scientific attempt to see if there was a noticeable difference in the cup.
What I found that was unexpected although thinking it through may actually make some sense was that across a quite a few shots with various beans the lower the mineral quantities in the water the more erratic & inconsistent the shots were with loads of channelling, which improved as the mineral content was increased.
So a 40ppm Hardness/20ppm Alkalinity was all over the place, Even a 60ppm Hardness/30ppm Alkalinity was miles better & a 80ppm Hardness/40ppm Alkalinity was night & day.
Although my poor palette couldn’t say flavour wise there was much of a difference the body certainly suffered at the lower end, which I’m not sure if that was due to the mineral make-up or the subsequent channelling.
My rather unsubstantiated conclusion seemed to suggest that even though the ratios of the minerals remained consistent the higher the mineral content, meaning that the water itself was sort of more viscous & had a bit more guts about it then the effect even on the visible extraction is quite dramatic.
Would that seem quite plausible to the more knowledgeable here from their experiences?