Cuprajake Rob1 I tried to email but never got through What’s test kit is the go to now adays. I’ve just replaced all my to filters and membrane so want to check my water Cheers
dutchy101 prezes I’ve just done a test on my water (allowing it to cool). 94ppm TDS from service boiler 44ppm TDS from group This is using tap water (450ppm TDS) filtered through the Zero Water jug and then remineralised with sodium bicarbonate. I drained the service boiler last 3 weeks ago
prezes dutchy101 thank you. Mine has been last drained on the 2/4 and due again this Saturday so probably why.
LMSC Guys. as Rob said, the TDS isn’t helpful. Please get a drop kit and test the hardness and alkalinity each on 20 ml sample.
dutchy101 Very true - I use drop kits, but was just posting my readings as a reference for Perez. I know exactly what to do with reminseralising and frequency for draining now with the Zero, but will no doubt be back to square one when the Skuma arrives.
Rob1 @Cuprajake I’m supposed to be informed if I get an email, I’ll have to have a look at it. ^^ this API kit is the test kit though.
Meldrew I bought my test kits from Pro shrimp. They were at the time the cheapest.
Meldrew They are not listing the Gh test kit alone anymore at the moment. They do another kit which has both tests. Gh & Kh