MediumRoastSteam. Thanks.
Yes, indeed. I am dropping off one at a time. Never used anything other than Osmio from day 1. The traces were very small. It can’t be anything other than the remineralisation catridge. I have always been testing the water drawn from the service using the drop kit.
The hardness, given the alkalinity, are well within the safe level at 130C. Of course, Rob may say static testing won’t show when it started to scale. But, we are talking about tiny traces here.
The remineralised water test is fine, tbh. See an example of the last test on Osmio Zero on her first anniversary date in Feb : GH = 8.95 mg/l, KH 17.9 mg/l, TDS 31, Temp 19.
We swapped for the new filter after the alert last week.
Once she comes back from the workshop, I plan to remove the remineralisation catridge and use the plain RO for a few weeks. Only thing, is we drink a lot of water from Osmio. Not sure, we will like the taste
without the catridge. 😊
The main thing is getting the Osmio zero back once the fix is done. Until then, we will have to drink the tap water. Can’t wait to drink the tap water! 😉