Brewed the left over @LeefromFoundryCR Amaya. I had 17.3g of beans.
This was the 3rd coffee with the same setting for V60. For Kruve 400, the first two had 8.7% and 10.7%. For the latter, I loosened the grind a couple of micro clicks to get to 9.2%.
The Amaya - 3rd brew - this morning had 9.4% Kruve 400.
I brewed 7 × 37g; 3 at the centre and 4 in wider circles using as usual the strainer. I prefer using the strainer for all V60.
The previous Amaya brew - V60 1 (6% Kruve 400) - was light and sweet. The score was 7.5 out of 9. The V60 2 (9.4% Kruve 400) today was on the stronger side.
As noted on the bag, it was full of intense flavour, boozy, fruity, sharper at the finish and spot on as notes. I would score the cup 8 out of 9 as this brew re-produced the roasters’ description very well. There are no sweet finish as it was expected outcome.
The coffee description on their site reads as follows:
Funky coffee, boozy, bracing. Raisins, Cough Syrup, Cherry Cola. Expect heavily fragrant, acidic and boozy coffee. Finish is bracing and little sharp than sweet. With milk, it is an adventurous cup.
The question is what should be the deviation for Kruve 400 from 8-9%. It’s only a 3rd brew using the same grind settings. I plan to hold until I get to at least 10.