Crankhouse Colombia Jeremiah Cordobah El Carmen
A new grinder - Niche Duo filter burrs set!
I have done a few brews and sifted to get a grind preference this morning.
I sifted 15g of coffee for 2 mins. The fines were 8.7% Kruve 400 on a grind setting of 33 on the Duo filter burrs set.
15g powder, 229 water (4 g more), 5 pours x 45g every 40s and a total brew time of 3:25mins. I used a stainless steel metal strainer.
It was a very nice coffee. It was clean, sweet and had some enjoyable taste - pineapple (sweet, smooth and a gentle acidity) at the start and caramel taste at the finish and also as an after taste. I would score 7.5 out of 9.
Based on grind references that had 6.6%, 8.5% and 8.7% Kruve 400, I clearly prefer the 8.7% Kruve 400 reference point on the Duo filter burrs set.
On this basis, I am not sure how I can improve the taste from here. Perhaps, tighten the grind setting to 30-31, sift and see what happens. Another choice is pouring 33g every 30s and see if there is a difference.
Otherwise, for all practical purposes, brewing at least 10-12 coffee beans at the chosen grind reference is the way forward.