Also brewed Darkarts Colombia Huilo El Apagon, Natural, Ombligon, pineapple, red fruits and vanilla as a second cup in the morning.
Brewed 15g, 226.2g water, 195.2g liquid and 3.09 mins at 12% 400 Kruve (12.1%). The only note that over powered the coffee and taste was red fruits. The taste and acidity really hit the roof. There was a constant burnt and ashen taste at the back of the tongue. Initially, I had thought I would score this 6.5-7/9. It deserves a 5.
It was brewed using the same green stripe V60 02 paper. The water wasn’t even sitting on the coffee bed. It is clearly an issue with the paper, I think.
I will pull a shot and make a flat white for my wife and see if it sits well. I don’t drink coffee with milk, which is a problem.
I find a lot of roasters in the country neither mention nor willing to consider. They all have their own valid reasons for not mentioning it. 🤷🏽