drdre89 I got these little mini mason jars for single dosing 18g. Will see how they hold up in the freezer, grinding frozen.
Waitforme Tesco finest Chicken Liver Parfait jars hold 60gms when up cycled 💡 I can’t confirm however whether any chickens were harmed or not in this bean storage method 😕
Waitforme @DavecUK …. 3 and a half of your finest British pounds …. an expensive way to get storage jars if you don’t like pate’ !!
HVL87 I bought these 50ml jars from Amazon. 18g of beans in the photo but you can store 21g at a push depending on bean density. They were £15 for 12 when I bought them although went up in price today. I’m sure they will come back down again. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00GLRP5GU?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image
DavecUK HVL87 When ever I buy anything in amazon, the price usually drops significantly about 2 weeks after I purchased it.
HVL87 DavecUK I know the feeling 😄 If it’s a significant purchase I sometimes check; https://uk.camelcamelcamel.com to see where the price has been recently. Those 50ml jars are back down to just over £15. Not sure how the Amazon algorithms work 🤔. Sometimes you see prices change by a few pence.
DavecUK HVL87 If it’s a significant purchase I sometimes check; https://uk.camelcamelcamel.com It’s not actually loaded as an extension of my browser…I finally had enough of being ripped off. Slippers £20, a bit expensive…then they drop to £10!! I’m surprised that actually got through the word filter list I used, which must have been written by the pope….hmm might be a new bug….of a new word for me to add to it 🙂
Alexvs Talking about prices, I use the Keepa chrome extension as it loads a price histogram (think that’s what it’s called haha) in the Amazon page but desktop only. The app you do searches. I’ve held off purchases because it showed they were at a high and then that afternoon the price goes down and I purchase. You can set up alerts too.
LMSC This is what I use! https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/oertfylld-spice-jar-glass-stainless-steel-60391350/ Can’t complain.
Inspector I got these jars which hold 19grms from Turkiye few years back, they were about 5pence each that time lol. To fill them is a bit pita, need a funnel. Actually best I could find, I meant style and appearance wise are these aluminium screw cap type containers. They hold about 26gr to the brim. But they were like £3 if you were to buy small quantity. There is also these jars 15 of them for a tenner. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334201588218?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=nkzr5g5iTCu&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=SWN84fC1QX-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
CoyoteOldMan Inspector To fill them is a bit pita Seems appropriate, for stuff that comes from Türkiye (sorry, couldn’t resist)
Inspector Well, at least i know they are %100 air tight. If i put freshly roasted beans in, upon opening i hear the quick hiss. Easiest way to fill them is, i fill my airscape with beans then scoop these jars into beans 5-6 times :)
drdre89 Inspector Easiest way to fill them is, i fill my airscape with beans then scoop these jars into beans 5-6 times :) I do the same with my airscape. Scoop my mini jam jars and I play a game to see if I can get exactly 17g in one scoop. Today I got 17g exactly with one scoop twice in a row. 😁🎰🎰🎰
PortafilterProcrastinator I currently divide my 1kg bags into 100g per clip seal bag and then into my airscape. I leave the current bag in the top of the airscape. 100g only lasts me 3 days. This works better for me than freezing.
MediumRoastSteam For anyone interested, this was followed from: https://www.coffeeforums.co.uk/threads/airscape-does-it-live-to-its-expectations-for-you-it-doesnt-for-me.62413/