Waitforme @DavecUK …. 3 and a half of your finest British pounds …. an expensive way to get storage jars if you don’t like pate’ !!
HVL87 I bought these 50ml jars from Amazon. 18g of beans in the photo but you can store 21g at a push depending on bean density. They were £15 for 12 when I bought them although went up in price today. I’m sure they will come back down again. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B00GLRP5GU?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image
DavecUK HVL87 When ever I buy anything in amazon, the price usually drops significantly about 2 weeks after I purchased it.
HVL87 DavecUK I know the feeling 😄 If it’s a significant purchase I sometimes check; https://uk.camelcamelcamel.com to see where the price has been recently. Those 50ml jars are back down to just over £15. Not sure how the Amazon algorithms work 🤔. Sometimes you see prices change by a few pence.
DavecUK HVL87 If it’s a significant purchase I sometimes check; https://uk.camelcamelcamel.com It’s not actually loaded as an extension of my browser…I finally had enough of being ripped off. Slippers £20, a bit expensive…then they drop to £10!! I’m surprised that actually got through the word filter list I used, which must have been written by the pope….hmm might be a new bug….of a new word for me to add to it 🙂
Alexvs Talking about prices, I use the Keepa chrome extension as it loads a price histogram (think that’s what it’s called haha) in the Amazon page but desktop only. The app you do searches. I’ve held off purchases because it showed they were at a high and then that afternoon the price goes down and I purchase. You can set up alerts too.
LMSC This is what I use! https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/oertfylld-spice-jar-glass-stainless-steel-60391350/ Can’t complain.
Inspector I got these jars which hold 19grms from Turkiye few years back, they were about 5pence each that time lol. To fill them is a bit pita, need a funnel. Actually best I could find, I meant style and appearance wise are these aluminium screw cap type containers. They hold about 26gr to the brim. But they were like £3 if you were to buy small quantity. There is also these jars 15 of them for a tenner. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334201588218?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=nkzr5g5iTCu&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=SWN84fC1QX-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
CoyoteOldMan Inspector To fill them is a bit pita Seems appropriate, for stuff that comes from Türkiye (sorry, couldn’t resist)
Inspector Well, at least i know they are %100 air tight. If i put freshly roasted beans in, upon opening i hear the quick hiss. Easiest way to fill them is, i fill my airscape with beans then scoop these jars into beans 5-6 times :)
drdre89 Inspector Easiest way to fill them is, i fill my airscape with beans then scoop these jars into beans 5-6 times :) I do the same with my airscape. Scoop my mini jam jars and I play a game to see if I can get exactly 17g in one scoop. Today I got 17g exactly with one scoop twice in a row. 😁🎰🎰🎰
PortafilterProcrastinator I currently divide my 1kg bags into 100g per clip seal bag and then into my airscape. I leave the current bag in the top of the airscape. 100g only lasts me 3 days. This works better for me than freezing.
MediumRoastSteam For anyone interested, this was followed from: https://www.coffeeforums.co.uk/threads/airscape-does-it-live-to-its-expectations-for-you-it-doesnt-for-me.62413/