-Mac Please keep your arguments on track
Says the person who cannot argue consistently or logically. If you can’t see how the two statements imply one another, I can only suggest that you take lessons in logic. I appreciate that you may not have intended to say certain things, but you did.
-Mac I’m telling you you’re wrong
And I’m telling you you are wrong. The difference is I’m bringing arguments, rather than stating just your (inconsistent) opinion and thinking it’s somehow worth more just because it’s yours.
-Mac That you think that rights are worthy of ascribing to computers is worrying
That you think that rights are NOT worthy of ascribing to sentient, conscious and intelligent entities (which, I’ll readily concede, today’s computers are not) is very worrying.
-Mac There is no special pleading in nature. It is what it is and wasn’t created. AI has only ever been created.
That’s what “special pleading” is. You are ascribing to “nature” special status. Incidentally, computers are as ‘natural’ as humans, or as termite mounds, or as the atmosphere that you and I are breathing at the moment - the oxygen in it was largely made available by cyanobacteria and is recycled by plants.
-Mac I didn’t say that clones couldn’t feel pain. Show me where I did.
Right here:
-Mac Any machine AI is, by definition, man-made so it’s going to be imperfect and not something that has any ‘rights’ (same with clones, IMHO).
So you are denying clones have rights.
I then asked:
CoyoteOldMan -Mac Let’s keep ‘dumb’ animals out of it - we should protect them.
Ah, and why? Why do they have more rights than a human clone?
To which you responded:
-Mac The protection right only applies morally to things capable of feeling physical pain.
Which literally implies that you believe clones are incapable of feeling physical pain. I appreciate that this may not have been your intention, but (again) you use words carelessly and shift goalposts rather than addressing the issues.
-Mac Evolution, by definition, is survival of the fittest. That is a pretty big case for having earned the right to exist.
Pfff. There is no “right” to exist in that sense.
-Mac And if a god had created us, I’d like to see you try to stop it doing whatever it wanted.
It would not make it an ethically correct behaviour. Which is what we are discussing here. There is nothing (at the moment) preventing us pulling the plug on whatever software running on whatever hardware; it doesn’t necessarily make it the right thing to do, unless your ethics is just the law of the jungle. In which case, I’m again done discussing.
-Mac Life is already pretty clearly defined.
Oh, really? By whom? By yourself? Last time I looked, it wasn’t - and it wasn’t all that long ago. Ask Archie Battersbee’s parents…