I purchase my vesuvius used a couple years ago and it’s been serving me well since.
However the other day the machine started hissing and I went over to check it out, machine indicated Boiler Overtemp and the hissing noise was the pressure relief valve that had activated.

You’ll notice that the machine knows what temperature it is, and yet the boiler is still on (more on this below)
So I quickly unplugged the machine, I wasn’t able to triage anything further that evening, but the following day I started the machine up and 30 seconds later there was a smell of burning electric and my 20Amp circuit breaker tripped.
The power inlet (EMI filter) fried, so I replaced that, then I found that the power switch also fried and so I replaced that. However I’m now seeing what caused this issue - both boilers heat all the time. This should not be possible on the US 120V version of this machine. Here’s what’s even crazier - both boilers heat all the time even when the machine is off (via the touch screen), but mains power is still on. This immediately overloaded the electrical components and the smell of burning plastic returns. Here is the machine off with the brew boiler still on:

I’ve unhooked the power to the steam boiler so that it doesn’t fry the electronics and so that I had time to try a factory reset, still no solution. The boiler turn on whenever the mains power is on!
To make matters worse, I fear that the pump is also fried now. As I am getting 24V DC on that connector but the pump does not work.
What is going on?! Any ideas?