MediumRoastSteam Thanks for this, it came in timely. I’ve ordered some of the Costa Rica - Aguilera brothers SL28 Honey. I don’t believe I ever had a coffee from them, so looking forward to it.
LMSC MediumRoastSteam Costa Rica - Aguilera brothers SL28 Honey I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. You may have seen the video of the shot on the Evo thread. Disappointed for the price I paid.
MediumRoastSteam LMSC - No, I didn’t see it, or at least didn’t connect the dots :-( - Oh well, let’s see.
LMSC MediumRoastSteam No, I didn’t see it Never mind! If you are interested - the last video of the thread
rivergo1d I got the Honey as part of their bundle, all 4 for about £25 after the discount. I was expecting them to substitute something cheaper, but I was sent exactly what was promised, including the expensive bag of Honey.
LMSC Just received an email from Horsham 15% discount on all coffee over £20. The discount is automatically applied at check out. The deal expires tonight.
MediumRoastSteam LMSC - is there anything you’d recommend? The last one I ordered - honey processed - was meh.
ooglewoogle LMSC This 15% code seems to be auto-applied….and it won’t let you add another code (ie. the earlier posted 20% code which expires end of August). I wonder if waiting until after midnight/tomorrow will allow the former to work again. 🤔 Anyhoo….thanks for the first code! Got some Workhorse which is going down a treat….with some of the single origin Brazilian Fazenda Inhame used in the blend in the freezer. 👍
LMSC MediumRoastSteam I know some one got a KG last time. 😂 Please take a look at their Peru Gregario and Rwanda. Both are decent. I would pick Peru over Rwanda for the notes. If I were to pick between Horsham Peru and CastIron Don Pancho, it would be Don Pancho every time. Please don’t get a KG.
MediumRoastSteam LMSC - thank you. Giving your recent comments about CastIron, I think I’d give Horsham a miss then! 🤣 - thanks anyway!
LMSC MediumRoastSteam I have commented Castiron’s Don Pancho and Mandela. I would happily buy Don Pancho again.
ooglewoogle LMSC For anyone interested, the 20% coupon from further up the page is working again, presumably until midnight tonight (Wednesday 31st).
LMSC If anyone is interested! 15% off the decaf - auto applied on 2 × 250g.[40230227607621](tel:40230227607621) This is still expensive for 500g.
LMSC If anyone is interested! 15% off. Please use the code 25ZHN3T801HB at the check out. The discount is valid for one purchase until midnight on the 19 Sep.