Coffeetime - A non-commercial coffee forum
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The other bits and bobs we buy, cups, tampers, puck screens, scales etc..
Portafilter depth?
Weber moonraker
Espresso Paper Filters
Sworks, Wafo, Weber Basketorama Confusion
Baskets Baskets Baskets
ACS Vesuvius Evo Leva Puck Tools
Whats the concensus on puck screens?
Fishing the Top Screen Out of the Knock Box #*!
cups cups cups cups cups cups cups cups cups -
Felicita Arc Scale ?
Do you use your spouted PF ?
What Portafilter Stand Do You Use on Your Niche Zero ?
Best magnetic dosing funnel
One way valves on bags. Are they important?
Mini Coffee vacuum cleaner?
Basket case
The $365 portafilter
Craig Lyn Design Bean Vaults ?
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