I am about to purchase a lelit Bianca after many interesting and rewarding years of owning an Izzo Alex Duetto. Having made many mistakes re usage/ servicing, i have become a more informed person re repairs and dos and don’ts but above all realising purchasing a prosumer machine is not a buy and forget procedure. I don’t regret the errors I have made as they led me to a wonderful gateway of knowledge and learning. I also know I still have much to learn ( which is why I keep posting on this forum) full of many knowledgeable people, but also aspiring, passionate coffee lovers like myself.
I thought, as I venture towards my Lelit journey it would be useful for myself (and hopefully others) to compile a bullet list of necessary servicing procedures when owning a coffee machine. Some will be lelit biased but most general. Please add to it or tell me where I am mistaken. I am sure I will probably miss much out and get others wrong so please don’t shoot the messenger.After all we are on this forum to enjoy and learn.
- Make sure you use water that is low in hardness. It is not necessary or preferable for a 0 reading but one that registers a CaCO3 of around 40- 80 mgl
- dismantle and clean all parts of the e61 at least once a year or earlier if noticing problems
- grease the cam in the brew leaver around approx every 3 month’s or if starting to feel resistance
- grease the flow profiler paddle internal ( where fitted) every 3 months and dont wait till it goes stiff
- use molykote or other food safe grease, NEVER wd40 or equivalent
- keep the internals clean so that any leaks or other problems are easier to spot
- remove the gasket and filter under the portafilter once a week and clean
- use cafiza or puly to clean portafilter and spouts at the end of each day of use
- use a citric acid bath/solution to clean parts that are showing scale
- if steaming release some water from the service boiler after use and refill with fresh filtered water approx every 3 months
- do not backflush with puly/cafiza after ever use, only about once a month but daily with just hot water and a blind filter
- After backflushing with puly/cafiza you may need to regrease some components like the cam
- don’t descale often but prioritise avoiding scaling in the first place
- once a year or biannually check with a simple laparoscope to inside the boiler to look at how it is coping with scaling
- wipe the externals of the machine daily
Only a suggestion, but might it be a good idea to have something similar to above pinned as a general checklist of dos and don’ts.
Any way please add or change accordingly.