- Edited
The forum is pretty easy to use, You will see the about link in the top bar with a dropdown, that takes you to the forum guidelines rules, my review site, the old forum (archive) and My YouTube site. It’s a good idea to make time to scan the guidelines.
A few things that will help you with this version of the forum sofware:
- Don’t right-click and open a new tab to read a post, Flarum doesn’t like that and lots of things stop working…just click the links
- On the desktop you have a sidebar that pops out when you move your mouse to the left edge of the screen, this can be pinned and is a super handy way to browse new posts
- We don’t have private messaging, because there is no good system and it’s never “private”. If you want private messages from people, this is how you do it https://coffeetime.freeflarum.com/d/229-private-messaging-important
- To see any new posts on the main page, if you leave the tab open in your browser, just press the 3 arrows in a circle symbol at the top right of the discussion list… you don’t need to refresh the page
- Flarum was made for mobile first, not desktopos and has an amazingly good and rich mobile interface….explore it
Apart from that there are a few discussion areas you want to keep an eye on:
Announcements area of course
New Members Introduce yourself topic in Offleys Coffee Lounge - You will probably make your first post here
Explore your account settings, signature and notification options to make sure they are right for you