Waitrose have brought back their free coffee offer but using Cafe Nero beans, they also have an offer on Cafe Nero beans but when I looked at the pack it was 200 gms. I remember a post here about the size of packets and that they weren’t all 250 gms, that sent me scurrying off and discovering most were 227 gms and with the little symbol that meant if might be that or less. Also visited Tesco this morning and looking at their limited selection of beans I noticed nearly all their packets were just 200 gms too. Beans seem to be going the same way as chocolate bars. They were selling a 1 kg bag of something for £8 but even a cheapskate like me wasn’t tempted.
Shrinking Packets
SurreyAlan I expect some roasters may start doing it as well, due to price pressure.?
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At the current rate of shrinkflation it won’t be long before they sell empty packages and ask us to fill them with product at home and return full to the shop.
Doram At the current rate of shrinkflation it won’t be long before they sell empty packages and ask us to fill them with product at home and return full to the shop.
Shhh, don’t give them ideas… 🙄
227g has been fairly standard in supermarkets for a long time, must be a the equivalent of an imperial weight
Dusk ½ pound or 8 oz
Union have been selling in 200g packs for years, quite a few other roasters followed suit.
227g seems mostly available in supermarket coffee specifically.
I don’t make/drink as much as I used to, so often buy in 150g, but spend a bit more, they do me for a week.
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Dusk It depends on the context.
- I know what a pint is and what to expect…clueless about beer in ml
- I know what ml of espresso shots are, clueless in fl Oz
- I understand mph but am used to seeing a litre price for petrol. Sometimes still convert in my mind.
- I know how hot 70, 80, 90F is etc. But for cold I understand only in C. Oven temps only C as well
- I understand my weight in stones, not Kg
- I understan clothes sizes in inches not metric
- I understand distances and heights in ft
- I prefer metric in tools and engineering.
Lifes odd isn’t it 😁
Meanwhile Cast Iron (one of my favourite roasters) sell 334g bags - the only roaster I know of that does this. It makes the bag price look slightly expensive until you work out the equivalent per KG, at which point it looks like good value. They obviously sell to a more intelligent type of customer 😇