Do you keep notes on / logs of your shots?

What do you record?

Using what tools? Feel free to share a picture or a link, if you wish.

I’ve been hand writing every shot in a small (4 × 6 inch) thin (30 page) notebook; I’m up to notebook 5. I record: the coffee, dry dose, wet output, brew ratio, grind #, temperature, BAR, pre-infusion type and length, and tasting notes (in the espresso shot and then with the milk). I note the degree of shot balance (sour, balanced or bitter), body, strength, length, flavour and overall impression. I also note any evidence of channeling.

Thinking that there is a better way, though I do like the immediacy of pen and paper. And I’m not quick on the smartphone keyboard.

I wonder if you are recording too much?

A lack of being able to sort/rank might be an issue with paper notes.

I use XL/Google sheets, use a laptop/PC, transfer paper notes for the brew parameters, have a numerical score for each parameter, then you can sort by whatever field you like, a score for overall liking is essential, no need to go mad and score each coffee to decimal places, it’s quantitative data we’re looking for..

For the minutiae/details you could have a catch all text box.

I’d definitely start with:
Number of the shot that day
Dose (weighed after grinding)
Water (if you experiment & change this)
Preinfusion time (and bar if desired)
Total shot time (and bar if desired)
Output (a simple formula will work out ratio)
Comment/Remedial action.

Process, varietal, details of the aspects of the shot could go in a text box (not rankable, but still searchable).

I’d avoid making the sheet too wide, at least wide enough to see the basics, or the lines to deep, otherwise it’s apain to view. Sort date & number of brew in reverse order so you don’t need to scroll to the bottom every time you open it. Insert formulas to average the scores/parameters at the very top.

What are the best iPhone apps out there for this, that are fully backed up, and can easily export data to a spreadsheet.

    JHCCoffee If you want to be able to export to a spreadsheet, why not use withe Numbers or Excel and create a spreadsheet? If you have an iCloud account, you can also back up your file to iCloud.

      wilburpan JHCCoffee If you want to be able to export to a spreadsheet, why not use withe Numbers or Excel and create a spreadsheet? If you have an iCloud account, you can also back up your file to iCloud.

      Thanks for the suggestion. It’s a good one.

      Except…I create/look at more excel spreadsheets than I care to during my lengthy workday. The last thing I want to do is to work another spreadsheet while enjoying making espresso. An app, maybe.

      Any suggestions on the best Iphone apps for this?

      FYI, making notes in a personal notebook is nice because it’s way better than doing MsTeams calls, PPT presentations and reports.

      But I can live with an Iphone app.

        I used Beanconqueror app for a while, it’s free

        JHCCoffee Trust me, I hear you on the “I do Excel all day so I don’t want to do it at home” thing.

        FWIW, I only use Excel for work, and I think Numbers is far nicer than Excel. So any spreadsheeting I do for myself is with Numbers, and because of that I don’t mind.

        I have tried most of the iPhone apps and made a number of suggestions on several to improve work flow but have now used Beanconqueror for last few months. Partly to control the decent scales that only work on Bluetooth but also as means to record grind size for dialling in across days so I remember what adjustments to make the next shot/day. I don’t tend to review longer term than that but checked and it has excel export option.

        For anyone who is interested I have google sheet for logging espresso shots, has facility for pre-infusion time & bar, plus 6 phases for both during rest of shot.

        If you let me have your anonymised e-mail I can grant access then it can be downloaded

        DavecUK I just use one of these

        Thank you Dave. I started reading this thread, had the exact same thought as you and wondered if I am weird for not caring to record anything that I can’t remember (which isn’t much).

        All this information seems far too much to me. I like to have some artistic freedom, leave some room for luck, enjoy the variance of shots not always tasting 100% the same (and appreciate it when all the stars align).

        If I tried to record everything mentioned, I would just get confused. I might get better scientific consistency, but I doubt I would enjoy the coffee.

          I have a book, when I’m using a new bean or roaster I make a not of grind. And what the shot did.

          That’s all though

          Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

          Doram totally. Yes I use an app, but only as my working memory is so useless and when I rely on it I make the same 25 second shot in a row, each time telling myself to adjust the grind before the next shot and forgetting every time.

          And yes I even forget to adjust the grind setting after the shot in readiness for the next one.

          I don’t bother with taste notes or anything else.

          19 days later

          I am doing this with the mokapot just to try and have a record of what I did for that bean if it came out really good. Though working out whats good/bad with palate…..

          I just record coffee Grams and water In - grond setting and water in grams output. I dont time how long its takes as thats usually down to when it splutters..

          I just use the notes app in ios - in a basic table.



          a year later

          I use beanconqueror. Mainly for the timings vs grind size but taste rating too. Taste buds not quite there to take detailed notes but I like the idea.

          don’t click on the link, i suspect this is some sort of scam.

            Dan don’t click on the link, i suspect this is some sort of scam.

            I have spamminated him. He patiently took over 10 months to get his spam up and was gone mor than 150 times faster.

            Certainly I would never recommend using such an application, the security and data gathering implications are huge.