No, I am not referring to lance hedrick’s comments. I was suggesting rather that the most relevant reason for citing the burr size is as a product categorisation tool.
As for whether the burrs will perform as well, the taste test will be the measure of the grinder once it finally comes out into the wild and is used by the many people who have backed it on kickstarter. While i do not know about the quality of steel being used but is it a good pracrice to dismiss all burrs made from a certain country before they are even tried? For instance, Denis has good reports about the qualitt of the filter coffee made from the turbo burrs and those are also likely to be made in China as well?
By the way to illustrate my earlier post in the niche duo thread on infliencers videos etc, you have in effect indirectly burnished the perceived quality of the niche duo which uses Mazzer burrs by suggesting the 78s burrs will not be quality burrs…i mean no offence but this is what I mean when I say that everyone is unconsciously biased, not just influencers and bloggers. The fact that u r Involved in the niche design and testing process already means u have an iron in this fire even thoigh you dont get a cent out of it…and thta is true of everyone who received a duo for testing…that doesn’t bother me as I consider all this info as useful bit its really a continuum, not another universe…
Anyway whether or not those burrs turn out to be substandard, then I am sure SSP will be quick to capitalise on that emerging market by offering their burrs in 78mm sooner or later.