JHCCoffee I need a more accurate and responsive scale for my cottage setup. I have a Timemore Nano in the City but I recall seeing mention of another good one. Fyi I am not prepared to spend the $$$$ needed to buy an Acaia Lunar; I’d rather put that towards an espresso machine upgrade at the cottage. Any suggestions?
wilburpan JHCCoffee I need a more accurate and responsive scale for my cottage setup. I have a Timemore Nano in the City but I recall seeing mention of another good one. If I’m reading this right, you have a Timemore Nano at one of your locations, and another scale that’s not a Timemore Nano in the second location. Why not just get another Timemore Nano?
Sham If all you want is a repeatable and accurate scale (no timing functions) and one which is actually calibrated you can find one in any price range from RS Components or similar sites that cater to industry and universities.
JHCCoffee Thanks Sham! I do need a timing function for the moment, as my current cottage espresso machine (Breville DuoPro doesn’t).
JHCCoffee Probably will, but I saw a post with CoffeeTime Forum members crowing about a scale. Can’t find the post, so I was hoping to jog people’s memories.