Teaboy Yes, sorry apart from the known issue with the slight play in the shaft I was happily using it but had to stop as the lugs are now disintegrating where the motor joins.
was there anything odd about the way the motor was locking in, was it locked in correctly or twisting as it started. I ask because I can’t understand how it can happen? I ground lots of coffee on the prototype…I will actually inspect and photo the lugs now.
This is what mine look like and the grinder has probably had more than 2 kg through it, plus some espresso, so around 165+ grind sessions, equating to perhaps approx 3 months of usage based on your work pattern? The only sign of any usage marks are those created by locking and unlocking the motor.

Below is the motor unit lugs and the moulding marks exist on a never used motor unit as well

I did let the manufacturer know directly what happened with your unit…the immediate reaction was shock and they have no idea how this could have happened? Please let BB know as the revised and improved production grinder samples are due in and I think they would want to send you one.