Some interesting points but also some pretty weak ones like where he suggests that coffee is just too complex to be effectively studied using the scientific method..! Obviously suggests a lack of understanding of science, but also a pure overstatement of the importance of Decent and its community forums. Don’t get me wrong I think the DD is great but it’s not a substitution for actual experimental research, plus they can coexist and even compliment each other.
Then he goes to predict that Decent alongside his new 200USD BH distribution tool will result in more uptake in better light roast coffee extractions - I guess that makes sense if his point of reference is the DD which is still a minority of even light roast specialty coffee enthusiasts.
This quote did jump out to me though given how it challenges the idea that lower fines are generally better for light roasts; he concludes that more fines and higher water ratios are actually better for light roast espresso extraction:
EK[43]s and constant-pressure machines are suboptimal for getting the most from lightly roasted coffee.