FadedFrontiers giampiero It’s because the feeder/breaker does push faster ( faster than a gravity feed) the beans between the burrs? The video linked above said the auger slows down the feed of beans into the burrs and isn’t a full pre-breaker.
giampiero FadedFrontiers Gotcha, even the video i watched said the auger is a slow feeder….but i previously missed that part. Still unclear to me why an horizontal burrs grinder require a motor with higher torque, moreover in a single dose horizontal burrs grinder is basically impossible to start the grinder with the burrs already packed with beans.🤔
Raja123 These videos are great. What would there to post about if there were no influencers? They give life meaning! 😆
dfk41 Raja123 Are you old enough to remember life before the internet……strangely enough, we had no problem in filling in every day!
Raja123 Yes, I’m 51. Still have a stick and wheel somewhere…. those were the days… Now, we are relegated to telling ourselves how great we are and that we wish we could rescue the world from the evil clutches of YouTube. 😂
Adrianmsmith Raja123 Now, we are relegated to telling ourselves how great we are and that we wish we could rescue the world from the evil clutches of ……influencers, vloggers and bloggers. Hahaha
Cuprajake youtube is primetime tv now imo. its the platform, but there are alot of big channels slowing down as the ad money is also slowing down
Raja123 turning into a platform for AI-generated content. I wonder if forums will go the same way…lol
DavecUK Raja123 turning into a platform for AI-generated content. I wonder if forums will go the same way…lol Hope not, can you imagine some of the advice! That said, I think there is now a chat gpt add on for freeflarum
Raja123 DavecUK Im sure it could be trained to post a link to an influencer video, and then generate 5-7 replies about how evil those people are, the advice shouldn’t be followed, and how it would be great if unwitting people didn’t fall prey to them. Then, all we’d have to do is come in and read instead of post. :D
MediumRoastSteam DavecUK That said, I think there is now a chat gpt add on for freeflarum Might be a good idea to give it a go. If it is trained based on the content of the posts rather than the subject lines only, it could be a great utility to facilitate search and common questions, like “how do I descale my machine?” Or “why does the temperature on my Elizabeth goes to 120C”, or “How to make my own water for my coffee machine?” Etc.
dfk41 giampiero The Eureka Mythos is the original grinder to have vertical model mounted burrs, in this case at a 45 degree angle. It is also an out and out commercial that is also hopper fed. This means that there will always be beans in the auger
giampiero dfk41 I think i generate some confusion about horizontal and vertical burrs….which in true i should mention about horizontal or vertical motor shaft. Obviously i’m speaking about the Philos, and my curiosity was why the Mazzer guy said that the Philos ( horizontal motor shaft and vertical burrs) require a motor with higher torque compared to a Super Jolly ( vertical motor shaft, horizontal burrs).
MWJB dfk41 The Eureka Mythos is the original grinder to have vertical model mounted burrs, in this case at a 45 degree angle. It is also an out and out commercial that is also hopper fed. This means that there will always be beans in the auger There were vertically mounted coffee grinder burrs about a hundred years ago.
JammyDodger giampiero the burrs are a different design, and the Philos also has an auger/prebreaker, so that may be the reason higher torque is needed.
Raja123 JammyDodger I’d agree with this.Even though the auger isn’t specifically tasked with prebreaking in the Philos, it does when the chamber is sufficiently full of beans. All of this adds up. The total surface area capable of grinding and crushing the beans at startup will affect the torque and transient current required of/by the motor.
Adrianmsmith I can imagine if it was a 200w motor everyone questioning why the motor was too small for the job. 🤔
giampiero Adrianmsmith My curiosity was not a complain about none of the specs of this “endgame” grinder, I was simply surprised to heard that grinder with such burrs orientation, require a motor with higher torque ( i stated since my first question that has been said by a Mazzer guy in another video,) it was a genuine curiosity, nothing else. Peace and….Philos🤣
Adrianmsmith giampiero Sorry i wasnt actually directing that at you, its just every new grinder thats released the motor is too big or too small in various comments. Ive never read “and the motor spec seems perfect for this grinder” May the Philos be with you 🤫