Over the last couple of weeks my wifi has been playing up. The network made 2 different accounts, same name but one with _EXT as an extension. When I got my new laptop it would pickup both but only connect to the EXT. My older one was the polar opposite. I could not get them on the same network so could not share data. Anyway, yesterday after much jiggery pokery all of my electronic stuff could see both networks but not connect to either. 2 sessions with Sky yesterday who came to the conclusion that the router had developed a fault and needed to be replaced……which is what I had told them 2 hours earlier!
So, faced with no internet and with the football fast approaching I realised my phone package had a free 5gb of data as a xmas gift plus my usual 5 gb per month, so I bridged. This was partially successful but not brilliant. My son rang, sent me a link to an Esim. I had never heard of these but the long and the short is 1 month unlimited data for £12.50 of 5g data. Subscribe, download the software onto my phone and a few minutes later a perfect 5g signal. I saw the last 15 minutes of the match, then 30 minutes of the rugby. we went to see Lindisfarne last night so got back in time to watch the last 5 rounds of the boxing…….brilliant!