mkelly789 Adrianmsmith I decided to go with 83mm instead, but I bought these in anticipation of a 64mm….. :/ These are currently on hold until 1st week of Jan- travelling for Christmas and have been asked to “reserve”…. It is Christmas after all :D
mkelly789 Adrianmsmith that would be some interesting shots….! I’ll let you know asap. Merry Christmas 🎄
Raja123 Adrianmsmith I have a set of these and found their presentation a tad harsh in the finish. (But I was using them on the Decent De1, which tends to exacerbate the effect). If you want to try them I can send them to you after Xmas. They aren’t being used, so test them as long for as you need to.
Adrianmsmith Thay sounds like an interesting offer thank you Id be interested please. Will pp the funds if you want to mail me from my about me please. Ade
dfk41 Jason1wood A grinder is just a set of burrs in reality. I appreciate design differences making it zero retention but nowadays that is not anything special. I know Mazzer have always made good burrs so in theory the addition of SSP should take it up a notch or 2?
Jason1wood dfk41 understand what you’re saying but have read a lot of you guys going mad for these burrs paired with the Df grinders.
dfk41 Jason1wood Thats right Jason….the standard Chinese burrs on the DF range are crap, but what do you expect at the price point!