Rave’s Colombian Coffee

Have brewed a few mounting Mokapot 9 cup filter on top of the filter (like the other picture). The average score of brewing 15g, 225g water and 2:35 mins to dry bed is 7.⅑. The above Colombian scored 8/9 as a Hybrid on the Switch, whereas I scored just 7/9 here.
I observe, with the diffuser, it is possible to get a good cup with references notes on the bag with almost a flat bed even dosing 15g coffee. However, the coffee is on the weaker side than the V60 / Hybrid Switch route.
The challenge, IMO, is a shorter water contact time. For instance, this coffee was lighter, brighter and had the tasting notes as described, but had a little bit of bitter / unpleasant finish (unlike the other brew methods).
As MWJB and Dfk noted, brewing 22g may solve the issue. I keep thinking if there is another way of increasing the water contact time closer to the average dry bed time of 3:38 mins from all brews on the Hybrid switch. All my brews are at 12% 400 Kruve.
In short, this brew style is interesting and I can see why this is so convenient to use.