Hi all, I have a MK1 Alex Duetto which produces an audible alarm (water reservoir low) when the machine is switched on.

I switch the machine on, I can hear what sounds like a click from a relay or solenoid, then after approx 5 seconds, another click followed by the audible alarm. The pump does not kick in at all during this time. The pump works when the brew lever is actuated and water flows from the group head so I don’t think there is an issue with the pump itself or the brew water path.

This particular model has a pressure switch under the water reservoir but no float switch inside the tank. I have tried ruling out the switch being the issue by bridging the connectors of the wiring loom. No joy.

I don’t believe there is a manual for the MK1 machine, but the MK2 manual states that the audible alarm will also sound when the steam boiler is not able to fill.

Any guidance on how I can proceed to diagnose the problem would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance, Steve

    SteveH Is it the original Gicar box?

    The alarm on those RL30 boxes only sounds when the tank water is low, this is for the MK1 and the MK2. the switch (from memory) goes open circuit as the water is low, so bridging should stop the alarm. I converted mine to electronic low water detection….with electrodes in the tank.

    Just to be sure you are bridging the right wires…do it at the switch

    Although there is a relay for the autofill, there is also a relay under the PID on the MK1 which only has 1 SSR for the brew boiler (this was changed in the MK2). If the steam boiler is on that relay will trigger when u switch the machine on. What serial number is yours as the first 20 or so may have gone off the production line without the ability to switch off the steam boiler (I can’t remember for sure). Mine is serial number 0001 and I modded it so I could turn off steam boiler when not using. I fed the mod and how to do it back to Izzo to shame them into doing it, but they had built 10 or so before that and serial numbers were done sequentially.

    Thank you for such a quick and thorough response!

    I believe it is the original gicar box, at least, it is marked RL30. I’ve only acquired the machine recently so I don’t know if it has been replaced previously.

    I bridged the wires both at the switch end first and then at the gicar box. I wasn’t entirely happy with my attempt to bridge them at the gicar box end as I was doing it with the spade connector covers in place, meaning I was trying to bridge it from the back end of the spade connectors. I will make a more thorough attempt tomorrow when I have time to make sure.

    So, is there really no other reason why that audible alarm would sound? Other than an issue with that switch? I wondered whether it could be an issue further down the line, where the gicar box interacts with the PID (I should say at this point, the PID has a couple of LED segments not working - so it’s obviously been subjected to some heat damage and will be replaced soon).

    The “matricola/code” is 1138. I assume that’s the serial number? I didn’t quite follow what you were saying about the relays, but It does have a separate switch for the steam boiler if that’s what you’re asking?

    Thanks again for your help so far!

      SteveH So, is there really no other reason why that audible alarm would sound? Other than an issue with that switch?

      Well only a Gicar fault.

      SteveH at this point, the PID has a couple of LED segments not working - so it’s obviously been subjected to some heat damage and will be replaced soon).

      Is it a blue one (display), early ones did lose some digits.

        DavecUK Well only a Gicar fault.

        Well, I’m embarrassed but also delighted to say that the problem was in fact a break in the wiring loom. I mustn’t have made a solid connection between the two contacts at the gicar box during my previous attempt. Strangely, the wire isn’t obviously damaged in any way, but the multimeter shows no continuity end to end.

        @DavecUK yes it’s the PID with the blue segments.

        Machine functions normally now! Thanks again for your input!