Thank you for such a quick and thorough response!
I believe it is the original gicar box, at least, it is marked RL30. I’ve only acquired the machine recently so I don’t know if it has been replaced previously.
I bridged the wires both at the switch end first and then at the gicar box. I wasn’t entirely happy with my attempt to bridge them at the gicar box end as I was doing it with the spade connector covers in place, meaning I was trying to bridge it from the back end of the spade connectors. I will make a more thorough attempt tomorrow when I have time to make sure.
So, is there really no other reason why that audible alarm would sound? Other than an issue with that switch? I wondered whether it could be an issue further down the line, where the gicar box interacts with the PID (I should say at this point, the PID has a couple of LED segments not working - so it’s obviously been subjected to some heat damage and will be replaced soon).
The “matricola/code” is 1138. I assume that’s the serial number? I didn’t quite follow what you were saying about the relays, but It does have a separate switch for the steam boiler if that’s what you’re asking?
Thanks again for your help so far!