i’m running 20gms beans same grind same exact tamping prep each time , 30 sec pour set on machine . aiming for 70gm [2 fl oz ]

no mater how carefull i am 30 sec run will produce from 30?/53 to 80 + gms and sometimes its correct

but maybe doesn’t matter as flavour is ‘ok’ with the right grind

its a brand new oscar 2


    The problem is usually the prep method/grinder, not the machine…welcome to the forum.

    • Edited


    snoosebomb 30 sec pour set on machine

    So the machine activates then cuts off after 30 seconds? Can you forget that approach and use an on/off button and a timer? When you activate the shot, the first thing that happens is that water is forced onto and into the puck. It takes a number of seconds for the puck to become saturated and when it reaches this point the shot will begin to flow. We call this the pre-infusion stage. When you start the shot, count how many seconds it is until you get a few drips in your cup, then start the 30 second count and weighing of course, report back

    dave , i’m using an expensive grinder , carefully , an internet search shows others with the same problem , an apparently variable pressure output. how ever i am getting some reasonable cups inspite. the main thing is not to grind too fine as it gets bitter and tasteless. also i notice some baristas are happy with a 50 gm pour i’ll try that

      dfk , ok i’ll try that , on/off through saturation then 30 sec run