In theory at least the 189 should be the preferred for yourself and for me.
I preferred the 200 but were not talking good and bad, night and day. And ive not done a lot of head to head testing. Ideally id need 2 complete grinders to do meaningful comparisons
Its similar to the song, I got a feeling, that these burrs are going to be the best burrs, but ….!!
Again in isolation both are great .
If you were not so far away by that monstrosity of the north (the steel one) or if youre heading past derby / nottingham you’re free the give it a road test. Im still tossing coins which to try and sell, philos or Key or both. Philos is currently not in daily use as i think (?) We’re preferring the Key for decaf and im itching to get the prime back in use .
Again id stress, out of the grinders were currently discussing on this thread theres no outright BAD or WRONG decisions and anyone who was to questioned, is the Kafatek worth 3 x Philos, a lot of the answer is down to knowing how and where it is made. You cant quantify the coffee in the cup being 3 x better. Id love to be invited to a tasting if anyone can show otherwise. Consistency and cup to cup is all great.
From my really limited experience the jump from breville smart grinder to zero was the night and day jump. And the DF83v2 was the bad, beter tester (!) experience!!
Really oversold and definately stereotypically chinese . Philos is worth 3x this easily. 🤪😎