dfk41 I think @Adrianmsmith and also @HarveyMushman have had both on the bench at the same time. I also know someone whose view I really respect cannot be persuaded by a to road test a Philos, but be that as it may!
@nufc1 Well yes i have!!
Now then, ive grown a little more sinical over the last couple of years after listening to the likes of Lance changing his opinions and views depending on what month it is and what he is reviewing (other Lances are available) but still they remain popular.
Then theres this word that jeeps appearing… “best”.
Best is very illusive and ive tried best before and hated it. Best coffee ever and after one sip that was it for me!! Best is kess common than common sense!!
The only way to get the best is to try it for yourself.
Yes that gets expensive, believe me, i know!
Especially when you keep trying the best in the wrong order .
The 2 Worst grinders i have had are sage, breville smart grinder pro and DF83v2.
Both dreadful, inconsistent, horribly.
Yet, someone will be reading this saying ive had one for 3 years and to me it perfect . Their respective adverts say they are .
All i can suggest is get in your mind what you think is a good grinder for you and your way if thinking.
Watch reviews and do not listen to the views of the reviewer other than comments on the mechanics and build quality. Comments about the coffee are to me almost worthless.
Theres a common laugh on here about David not having a refined pallet.
Well, I too possibly am in the same boat. My pallet is the one i was born with.
Its the only one that is going to tell my brain whet it thinks about the stuff currently swilling around in my mouth .
No matter how much James or people in this forum for that matter tell me how good a certain coffee is, thats not going to change which i love or hate and the only way to know which is which, as with the grinder, is, buy some!
You mentioned hand grinding. My favourite grinder is still the Craig Lyn HG-1 prime . Currently not in use due to lack of space. If the Key ever sells, it will be back!!
If you buy a duo or a philos or a t64ssp there will be nothing wrong with the coffee in the cup
If, like me, you buy one and wonder what the difference would be with another, you have to buy it to see. I did get talked out of buying an EG-1 by someone who “has one under his bench”, possibly the same guy David says wont review the Philos 😎🤔 I did since buy a Kafatek flat max 2! Even that could be made cheaper if they did away with the unnecessary, added by public demand, variable speed control .
One area where i do not agree with opinion is , to me, the Philos is incredible value for its build . Its £880 landed in the UK . Not a bargain but a great price for what it is . Some way more expensive 64mm grinders are receiving high praise by some but dont appeal to me.
As I said, just my opinion. Im not about to start slagging off any particular cheap nasty chinese made and marketed grinders, but they are expensive in comparison, TO ME . Machining and thread cutting on some i have owned have been diabolical. But they are made cheap and that is what a lot if people seem to favour .
Cheap is better than quality to a lot of general public . not to me!!
Id agree mostly with what Harvey has said above.
I did note the duo retains more fragments than the Philos when grinding Decaf beans and i did ultimately sell the Duo .
I have to sell one when i buy another (the key is proving difficult to sell but its also great to keep using. Currently the Philos is sat idle. Im using the Kafatek for me and the key for Decaf.
I have to use the new one for a while prior to selling .
Ive sold smart grinder pro, niche zero, DF83v2, T64, 1zpresso J and K ultra.
I have both burrs for the Philos and some SSP on loan i must get around to trying. I prefer the 200 for my flat white as im strange and not keen on mouth feel although in isolation the 197 are very palatable. Im expecting the SSP to land in the middle, so some would say, dont bother trying as you know your outcome, but the middle may turn out to be perfect.
Sometimes its difficult to say why you do not like something, just an itch that won’t go away
BEST is a very big choice of taste feeling and looks. never buy a white grinder!!
Of the grinders i have owned if i had to live with one and i didnt get to choose, so long as it was NOT df83 or smart grinder, i would be making great coffee for ME and my wife . Noone else really matters.
So, let us know how you like the Philos when you buy it😎
Do not buy it from one if the rip off 3rd party sellers on Google!