MediumRoastSteam 3 videos below. Everything was carried out the same except I raked the grinds in the niche cup with bamboo stick for the niche shot - as this helps with static as you know. Other than that, nothing else weird done, no wdt or anything, just levelled the grinds in pf and tamp
First video is from eureka. Second is from niche but ran a little fast. Third video I tightened the grind 2 notches on the niche and ran another shot. This gave my 40gs in roughly the same time as the eureka.
The last shot from the niche was close to the eureka taste wise but nowhere near as ‘rich’ in flavours. I probably wouldn’t have even started this thread if my shots were as good as they are from the niche in this shot. I couldn’t dial in at all when I started on these beans. They were roasted 2 weeks when I got them. My puck prep/workflow hasn’t changed but there’s a huge improvement since the first shots from this bag of beans. One possible contribution could be that I cleaned the niche before starting this bean. I didn’t think this would cause any of this because I had ran a good few shots through before reaching out here!
See what you think of the videos anyhow
eureka specialita:
first niche shot:
Niche after dialling in:
Regards and thanks