Hi, Fred98TJ MediumRoastSteam yes you are both correct they are more light than dark alright! Dunno why I thought otherwise yesterday
@DavecUK I’ve pulled a few shots this morning on the specialita it’s now dialled in. Seems to deal with the bean much better than the niche - no/very little channeling, puck holds together and pressure maintained around 9.5 bar until my shot is done. Holy kajoly Batman this is fruity! the specialita seems to release a lot more of this fruitiness than I was getting with the niche, and of course I’m getting a proper extraction too I guess. I know I said ‘floral’ yesterday but I think intense fruit of some kind is more accurate
I have read some of the flat vs conical on light roast debates but not had much experience. It appears (to me at least) that the specialita is an easier machine than the niche to use on this particular bean. I did notice less ‘flavours’ when I initially got the niche after only having used the specialita. I will alternate between them over the coming days to finish out this bean to maybe investigate that more. Of course it would be different for different beans and different roast levels I suppose but will see how it goes for this one anyhow. Interestingly I had to reduce dose from 18g to about 17.5g on the niche but 18g is working fine on the specialita. I am ending out at about 40g.
I wonder if the specialita is giving me a more homogeneous particle size distribution for this bean and hence enabling better puck integrity and a proper extraction? And here’s a photo!!