CoyoteOldMan If you use potassium, then instead of 67 - 100 mg/l you need to use 80 - 120 mg/l to get 40 - 60 KH
I have ordered some scales and potassium bicarbonate. I am going to use zero water for the time being and then remineralise it with KHCO3.~
Could I please check the two formulas. the one above is :
80-120mgl = 0.08 - 0.12 grammes per litre of zero water
There is also a bulk formula you mentioned in the past where you add 20ml of it to I think 5 litres? Could you just remind me what that is please of potassium bicarbonate?
Also does it matter that much whether you put 80mgl or 120 mgl or anything in between. I was going to use 100mgl per litre of zero water to keep it simple and easy to remember