MWJB I could not resist brewing again. I used the last dose of Jeremiah. Went finer by 4 marks to 17 on the Duo for 11.8% Kruve 400.
Brewed 15g, 225.3g water, 45g x 40s, average pour of 20s, brew time (dry bed) was 3.45 mins. It was nice. As good as the 8/9, although I would score this at 7.5. The notes / tastes were fine except that the Orange taste was a bit on the enhanced side.
I can only attribute to the average pour time of 20s. The low pour time was 12s. The high was about 25-27s. This might have agitated the bed a little more than otherwise.
Overall, I think I am going to settle into two grind references - 12% and 9% - and see how I get on going forward.
I also wonder how 60g//L vs the current 66g//L would influence the taste and the TDS.