CoyoteOldMan Hopefully we’re all sensible enough to understand that some channels are monetised and what impact this “may” have on content, especially as these channels tend to have to have 1 or 2 new videos a week to stay relevant. All of us have an idea about what we want from these channels, entertainment, opinion, information etc..
I highly recommend LH Latte art videos, I find them informative, educational and useful, other videos not so much, such as the Lagom Mini where after 25m of video, I had still not seen the grinder grind a full dose, or a shot extract from a machine after grinding with said grinder. In the first example, I went seeking information and found it…in the second, I wasted 25m of my life.
This shows that all online reviews can be a bit of a curates egg. I have enjoyed some videos from the various YT sites like Hoffman, Spromethius etc.. and some I have not.
Personally I will use a video if that explains things better, or often use YT as a handy video repository for evidence based reviewing. I don’t really have a channel and don’t ask for subscribers because my YT activities are not that of a channel for clicks, views and likes. I also do much much less public reviewing nowadays. Preferring to work in the background on issues I believe really matter for the consumer and in a very specific consumer segment.
Overall, if people want to make a living and sometimes a very significant income from these channels, good luck to them. I’m not the policeman of the internet, or the protector of the consumer. If I am asked, or in a discussion I will generally give my opinion, because I think we’re still allowed to do that. Mostly I just mind my own business (except on very rare occasions). If people see these YouTube sites and base their buying decisions, or not, on them, it’s no skin off my nose (and we should all feel like that). Just as we should all feel free to express opinions. So if 1000s of people decide not to buy a Niche based on LH video, and buy something else, so what…down to them.
Lastly I think it’s fair to always keep in mind:
P.S. The very rare occasions are; when I feel the consumer is being massively misled and am currently weighing up whether to publish my Elektra Verve engineering review or not. Especially as a YT channel has popped up heavily promoting the Verve, a machine I believe should not be sold as it is!