So “living healthy for longer” IS my expertise. I’m also a Trustee of the Public Health Collaboration, a UK charity devoted to cardio-metabolic health. Most gerontologists agree that coffee IS healthy for two fundamental reasons. It contains quite a lot of antioxidants (promotes healthy cell metabolism) and a surprising amount of fibre (supports the microbiome).
DOWNSIDES: The food industry hijack EVERYTHING for profit for example Starbucks Caramel Hot Chocolate contains 94g (that’s 24 spoonfuls) of sugar. To give this some context. The gold standard test for type2 diabetes involves stressing your body with a glucose drink containing 75g of glucose. You then observe how the body handles the sugar over 2h. So of you drink Starbucks CARAMEL *(other poisonous makes are avaialsble on your local high street) on any kind of regular basis you are subjecting your system to 1.25 extreme stress tests each time!
Second downside? caffeine has a LONG half life (6-8h) so if you drink much coffee after noon it has significant negative effects on sleep quality