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JHCCoffee might this flush be the cause of the puck fracture?
You would know that better than anyone else, wouldn’t you? As you do all this prep, I am assuming you are using a bottomless portafilter? The puck in your pictures looks badly damaged. If that would happen during the shot I would think you would have seen significant channeling on a bottomless PF. Did you? If not - I would conclude that this has happened when you flushed the puck after the shot, in which case you have no issue.
As to the description of your prep - it is similar to mine with some small differences: I don’t spary the beans with water and I dose 15g into a 15g IMS basket. I do knock the PF once on the counter, but this seems insignificant and I doubt it is causing any issues either way.
My only comment to your puck prep is the dose. It is very coffee dependant, but with the coffees I use I wouldn’t go below 14g in my 15g IMS basket, and with some coffees I wouldn’t go below 15g. In fact, even when I tried dosing 17g I found the 15g basket is a better fit than my 18g IMS. (but again, if your puck broke after the shot when you flushed it, the whole discussion is redundant).