• Grinders
  • Niche adjustment ring moving on every use

I’ve got my niche zero set to 19 for my espresso, but everytime I use it the vibration alters the ring towards the 20th dot and I have to move it back. I appreciate its a first world problem, but does anyone else suffer the same issue?

I’m considering contacting niche to see if there is a fix, as it’s becoming slightly tedious to move the adjustment back to where I want it every single time I want to grind fresh beans!

Thanks for the link. I haven’t noticed any catching, but I have noticed the shot time has been quite inconsistent over the past month or so. I put it down to me using a blend of beans instead of single origin, but that post got me wondering whether there is some kind of slippage occurring which is causing the grind setting to become inconsistent.

I think I’ll reach out to niche and ask their views.

Could be lubricant on the bottom of the funnel thing where it comes into contact with the top of the outer burr, or on the outer burrs itself. Use 99.9% isopropyl alcohol and a paper towel to polish the surfaces….if you use some other % make sure it doesn’t leave any kind of residue e.g the rest is just water.

You mentioned a vibration. How bad is this and how old is the grinder?

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    I reached out to niche and got the following response this morning :

    "Firstly, I would recommend giving the threads of the bean funnel and top casting a good clean and adding a fresh layer of food grade grease.

    If this doesn’t work, I would also recommend lightly sanding the top black plastic part of the upper burr - this will create more friction between the burr and the bean funnel."

    I’ve replied asking for a how to guide, unless anyone can recommend one? I’m not keen on sanding anything down tbh.

      Cuprajake the grinder arrived in June this year. It doesn’t vibrate over and above what you’d normally expect. It’s the vibration that seems to cause the ring to move.

      BigTTony think of it as rubbing with fine emery paper (400 or 600 grit) to remove the surface shine only, creating a matt surface. It’s a really light sanding.

      Wipe down with a degreaser first, Alcohol, Glass Cleaner etc.

      OK, quick update. I’ve cleaned the niche and when doing so I noticed that the 10mm bolt was loose. I’ve given it a good clean (and it needed it) and now it’s all back together. The top part seems more sturdy than it was, but time will tell if it has rectified the issue.

      One question though - trying to dial it back in is a but of a nightmare. I’ve done 4 sink shots because the grind was way too loose on the 19th dot. I had to take it all the way down to the 10th dot just to get it to pull a shot within a semi reasonable time and even then, it was 10 secs too fast. I’ve now set it to the 8th dot for my next go this afternoon as I’m running out of beans until the postie delivers my next batch.

      Is it normal to have to go down this many dots? I thought it would be out by a little bit and I’d have to tweak it back towards the 18-19 mark, but it feels way off. Any advice? I’ve followed the calibration videos on YT so I don’t think it’s that ie screw the chrome ring all the way to the right, align the chrome dot with the arrow to calibrate, then move the dial back to the left until you reach your preferred dot.

        I hope problem was because bolt being loose and now sorted.

        8 is totally normal, your grinder now properly calibrated I believe. My typical range is 7-12 decaf to caf.

        I recommend marking silver funnel also with a dot where they align with calibration dot on black ring. So even if you move black ring by mistake you can come back to where it was.

        Yep. Mine is usually at 9 for my espresso and 50 for drip.

        Fingers crossed it’s sorted. Thanks for all the help and suggestions.

        Mine started doing the same and a good clean sorted it for me. Hopefully yours will be the same.

        My Niche did the same. It is annoying as you have to keep watching to make sure it hasn’t drifted off.

        I just followed DaveC vid to clean it thoroughly and put it back together without any sanding or greasing and it cured it.

        My espresso range for medium to medium-dark roast is 8 - 11

        Lot’s of Niche related threads, so let’s post my query here:

        Have had my NZ for approx 6 months, and after the initial period of seasoning, the amount of ground coffee coming out was +/- 0.1-0.2 grams of the beans weight. As of last week I get quite an inconsistent output, often in the region of 0.5-0.6 grams.

        I usually make 2 espressos+ 2 pourovers per day, so I switch between finer and coarser settings. Last cleaning performed 2 months ago.

        Any thoughts? Should I just give it a deep clean?


          Is it a fresh bean?

          I have some beans that are a $hitshow and stick in the niche cup 😱

          Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

            ChristosC Might be worth giving it a clean, remember you don’t need to recalibrate, so it won’t affect your grind settings

            Even get a micro fibre cloth up the exit tube.

            Winter can also do funny things. I’m noticing a bit more static.