What I'm listening to/Watching at the moment
I know I’ve mentioned it before, but Yellowstone with Kevin Costner is excellent. Only had the first two series on UK telly but they are on the fifth in America. I have seen season 3 and are on season 4 and it just gets better and better. The daughter Beth played by an English actor - Kelly Reilly from Chessington London - is magnificent and is worth any acting award going for playing a part where the character is a hard as nails, sexy, coniving biyatch, yet also very vulnerable.
Thoroughly enjoying a TV series which started in 2014 and ran for 4 seasons called “The Strain” on Disney plus. Well into it and binge watching season 1 at the moment.
Much better than I thought it was going to be…only hopes it keeps up.
Binge watched season 3 of Umbrella Academy with my sone the other week. Also very good, I think on Netflix.
Still pushing Stranger Things; Season 3, chapter 6. It is so boring and stretching like an elastic. Going to stop watching.
I recently finished watching “the mechanism” and “the innocent”. Both really good and full of twists.
Late to the party but just watched the whole of ‘Vinyl’ Not perfect by any means but loved it. Such a shame it was cancelled, there are so many unresolved threads at the end.
Not sure if this has been commented on yet, but last week I watched the first of the new House of the Dragon. I found it awkward to watch as it was difficult to separate it from Game of Thrones. Watched the second episode tonight and found it a lot easier to watch. Whether it can achieve the heights of the series from which it was born remains to be seen.
Every year, we watch the Edinburgh Military Tattoo which is always on Bank Holiday Monday. Introduced by the voice of Bill Patterson the more the show unfolded, the worse it became! They have ‘diversified’ the format! Gone is the military influence from nearly every act in favour of Mexican singers and the like. The voice over person was pants. In between acts they had this stupid girl interviewing performers. The whole thing was just wrong. I really hope the new format is slated and the Tatoo organisers listen!
I liked Stranger Things especially series 4 as it was much darker.
Being a Pompey lad whilst the Edinburgh Tattoo is good I really miss the Feild Gun Competition from the Royal Tournament… Another chuffin Health & Safety issue I think.
Just started watching series 2 of BBC1’s The Capture…all about servailance and tampering of video by a government body in order to get convictions where there isn’t enough hard evidence that would stand up in court but they know who the culprits are. Holiday Grainger plays the lead but it also has Ron Pearlman in it too. Very good.
Anyone old enough to remember and Like Dexi’s Midnight Runners performing Come on Eileen, then have a listen but really watch as the band age!
Kleo on Netflix - Killing Eve meets German Democratic Republic Stasi assassin. Quirky and sharp. Captures the ’80s vibe really well.
Recently saw When they see us on Netflix. It was excellent!
Spoiler alert:
It made us emotional tearing our heart apart.
Black Bird on Apple TV. 6 parter that I found really good (for a modern series anyway!)
Binge watched series 1 of “Good morning, Veronica” on Netflix.
DavecUK Just went through the tabloids, and ended up feeling quite downbeat. Played the DD tracks on your post and it brought a smile to my face reviving some pleasant memories of watching her in those iconic romantic comedies with Rock Hudson.
- Edited
coffeealex DD had a really good voice.
In fact for a short number of years, Randy Crawford had an amazing voice. It was over a 5 year period, and went as quickly as it came. Around 1978 thru to 1983. I think at that time she was a great singer and on the album secret combinations, at her absolute best. No autotune or pitch correction in those days. I won’t link to it, because you really need good speakers and a flac file from the original album to appreciate it fully.
Annie Lennox is another one that had a great set of pipes on her. Again no Autotune
As you can guess, I not only hate autotune, because I can always hear it…it makes second rate singers sound likes kazoos and removes all the unique qualities of a great singers voice. I wish they would stop using it. Especially hen it locks the pitch on…when the singer wouldn’t have wanted it that way as they slide around the note.
DavecUK Annie Lennox is another one that had a great set of pipes on her
And intelligent as well
Just ordered the blu ray lord of the rings trilogy.
Been watching she hulk but crap, the new andor too bit shit.
Struggling atm
Lost Netflix now too
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