Binge watched series 1 of “Good morning, Veronica” on Netflix.

18 days later

Trying to watch “Plan 9 from Outer Space”. Not sure i can take much more.

DavecUK Just went through the tabloids, and ended up feeling quite downbeat. Played the DD tracks on your post and it brought a smile to my face reviving some pleasant memories of watching her in those iconic romantic comedies with Rock Hudson.

    coffeealex DD had a really good voice.

    In fact for a short number of years, Randy Crawford had an amazing voice. It was over a 5 year period, and went as quickly as it came. Around 1978 thru to 1983. I think at that time she was a great singer and on the album secret combinations, at her absolute best. No autotune or pitch correction in those days. I won’t link to it, because you really need good speakers and a flac file from the original album to appreciate it fully.

    Annie Lennox is another one that had a great set of pipes on her. Again no Autotune

    As you can guess, I not only hate autotune, because I can always hear it…it makes second rate singers sound likes kazoos and removes all the unique qualities of a great singers voice. I wish they would stop using it. Especially hen it locks the pitch on…when the singer wouldn’t have wanted it that way as they slide around the note.

      DavecUK Annie Lennox is another one that had a great set of pipes on her

      And intelligent as well

      Just ordered the blu ray lord of the rings trilogy.

      Been watching she hulk but crap, the new andor too bit shit.

      Struggling atm

      Lost Netflix now too

      Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

        Cuprajake Been watching she hulk but ****, the new andor too bit ****.

        I watched a tiny bit of she hulk, but I just couldn’t take it, mainly because it was complete shite!

        The latest Thor movie, must have had Hemsworth biting his lip., also an unfunny shocker.

        Yeah alot of the new marvel has been hit or miss

        Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

        Finally got round to watching Reacher on Prime. I think from about 18 mins into the first episode I was already loving it!

        Westworld Season 4 comes next. Had better watch a recap before I start though as this show is a complete mind $£%^.

          Alpesh Westworld Season 4

          Good call! But I need to watch from the very start of season 1! A friend who recommended this a while back, completely forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me!

          Loved season 1 of west world then it went mental, kinda raised by wolves vibes

          Reacher was awesome

          Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

            Needed cheering up a bit a few days ago so much doom and gloom on TV so re-visted Man Down with Greg Davies and the first series with Rick Mayall as his dad. Had me laughing out loud within minutes. The second series introducing Stephanie Cole as Aunt Nester replacing Rick was a master stroke and his fight with the Turkey and the resulting lip growing fatter and fatter had me in stitches. Silly, outrageous but brilliant. Later series even included Steven Berkoff (whome I always thought of as a very serious actor/director) as the mad school caretaker Mr Klackov, Toni Robinson (thou shall call me daddy) and even Mark Hamill as the cafe owner Bob.

            Sadly Gwyneth Powell who played Greg’s mum in the series also passed away in September. Some of the names he called her were so funny.

            DavecUK on Apple TV subscription, free content is limited compared to Prime.

            Well at least the wheel of time is free on Prime. Enjoying it at the moment but only towards yhe end of episode 2 at the moment.

            The film Blackbird 2022, starring, written, directed, produced and funded by Michael Flatley.

            I am currently watching the review (by Mark Kermode) and it’s worth it for the YouTube comments as well, some of which are hilarious.

            Can’t wait for it to get on NF or Prime Video.

            Strictly Come Dancing 2022!

            12 days later

            Just finished watching BBC’s Inside Man with Stanley Tucci, David Tennant and Dolly Wells. Bloody loved it!


            Don’t you get the feeling that ‘Rasied by Wolves’ is connected to the ‘Alien’ cannon somehow?