Unearthing this thread as I’ve always been curious about the various tweaks. One I find a little confusing is EC. Mainly because I’ve seen various options. For instance I’ve seen Dave recommending 10 - I’m using this. I’ve also seen people recommending EC 8.
And now I stumble on a video from Lelit Insider, from 2 years ago, and he advises 12 !
Here are his recommendations:
the origilnal works, but if you want try this KPC 0,5 KLC 0,0 KDC 0,0 Bc 30 KP 20,0 KLS 0,0 KD 20,0 Bs 30 Ec 12 Es 0 F 01 TR 1
Anyone put a thermometer in the portafilter to see what the real offset is?