Thanks for the ideas.
I changed to the ridgeless basket because with my favoured 19-20g load the puck was sticking badly as the tapered basket wouldn’t cope with this load. The ridgeless baskets have straight sides so hold the higher load easily with only a light impression of the strainer on the puck after the shot.
The problem with sticking is only with basket empty never after a shot.
I suppose it could be sticking onto the rubber gasket but I assumed it was the brass plate as there is a definite score mark on the inside of the basket at about the bottom of the brass disc level.
I do clean the gasket after each shot with a ring brush so it shouldn’t get dirty enough to stick but next time I clean the portafilter, screen etc with detergent I will give the ring a good scrub with the so,Union as well.
I will see how it goes with the centre screw just snug.