Beverast Usually the machine pulls in around 240 volts but this morning it is registering 245-246 volts on idle. This becomes problematic when increasing the power (heat) and I simply cannot get enough power to start my roast
I don’t like a coincidences, I always get suspicious. The Voltage thing is a red herring, mains voltage fluctuates throughout the day. Here is can be from 239 all the way to 247 and higher at night. The roaster has 4 IR tubes of 500W each and it’s drawing 1500W instead of 2000WW. It’s a bit of a coincidence (so I think 1 of the IR tubes has either failed, or is not connected for some reason (bad connector, defective wire…etc.). This is because it’s otherwise working normally and simply not drawing enough power..
When you say all the IR tubes are working, is it because you can see the glow, or have you verified that each tube is indeed working. Check this at a low power setting so you can clearly see if every tube is lighting up.
I can’t really think of anything else that might cause this.